Board of Directors
The HACA Board of Directors
- Heather Kline, President
- Dr. Joe Hill – (President Emeritus)
- Barbara Friedman – Vice President of Performing Arts, Publicity Chair
- Connie LaMarca-Frankel – Vice President for Visual Arts
- Stephanie Stevens – Secretary
- Michelle Twitmyer – Treasurer
- Lauretta Brown – Website Chair
- Laurel Weightman – Membership Chair
- Nancy Ferguson- Sponsorship Chair
- Steve Mayville – Director at Large
- Melinda Geskey
- Melanie Mainwaring
- Diana Murcar
- Judy Schaper
- Jill Ricardo
- Kim Seymour
Other Roles:
Spotlight on Talent Production: Barbara Friedman, Laurel Weightman, Michelle Twitmyer, Lauretta Brown
Moonlight and Ivory Production: Stephanie Stevens (Performance), Melinda Geskey (Visual Arts)
Moonlight and Ivory Logistics and Catering: Judy Schaper, Melanie Mainwaring
Visual Arts Team: Connie LaMarca-Frankel, Melinda Geskey, Kim Seymour, Diana Murcar
Sponsors: Nancy Ferguson
Jill Ricardo – Social Media Chair
Banners: Peggy Kile (non-Board Member)
The HACA Board Members (Past and Present) in Action (not all pictured)