Support Us

Why Support HACA?

  • Over the years HACA has given the citizens of the Dade City area so much more than it has asked of them, including musical theatre productions, plays, art exhibitions, festivals, talent contests, receptions, recitals, concerts, bus tours, year-round opportunities for the creative use of leisure time for people of all ages.
  • Today more than ever before, the arts are a bargain! They offer purpose and beauty and a limitless vista of enrichment and reward.
  • The arts are an essential part of a city, as fundamental as housing, health or street repair. Without the arts, no city can realize its potential. Without the arts, the people of a city cannot be fully aware of themselves.
  • HACA, a private, non-profit support group for our proposed Arts Center and its work in this community, needs friends like you who care about personal enrichment and community growth.

The Arts cannot make us good, or wise, or honest, or powerful . . . but they CAN make us whole.

Click Here to see actual letters received from Spotlight contestants expressing their gratitude for sponsors who make Spotlight possible. 

We have several levels of Donations: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver Bronze or Personal.  With each of these levels come benefits.  Using the “Donations” link below you will see our Sponsorship Benefits per level, or you can volunteer to help us make it all happen.

Visit our Donations or Volunteer pages to show your support today. 


See our Annual Newsletter here: 2024 Newsletter